The Centre for Comparative Pathology brings together a wide range of pathology professionals from across the University of Edinburgh. Image Vet Pathology Training Medical and veterinary pathologists.Imaging and genomics experts.Medical, veterinary and biological researchers.Based at the University of Edinburgh Easter Bush campus with virtual links throughout Edinburgh and beyond to partners in government labs, research institutes, universities and pathological societies.Governance StructuresThe Centre for Comparative Pathology is overseen by a Management Board, with day-to-day activity managed by an Executive Board.Chair of the Management Board: Professor Bruce WhitelawProfessor Bruce Whitelaw is the Director of the Roslin Institute, Chair of Animal Biotechnology at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies of the University of Edinburgh, and is Dean of Research and Innovation.Director: Professor Mark ArendsMark Arends trained in Medicine and Pathology at the University of Edinburgh, becoming a Senior Lecturer in 1995 in the University of Edinburgh's Department of Pathology and Honorary Consultant at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.He moved to the University of Cambridge in January 1999, where he was a University Reader in Histopathology and an Honorary Consultant at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. There he was a specialist gastrointestinal and gynaecological pathologist and was lead pathologist in colorectal pathology, gynaecological pathology and bowel cancer screening pathology for Cambridge and East of England.In July 2013 he returned to University of Edinburgh as Professor of Pathology, Head of Edinburgh Pathology and director of the Centre for Comparative Pathology. His research includes the genomic, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of colorectal cancer and gynaecological cancer development and progression, including inherited susceptibility to colorectal and endometrial carcinogenesis and in-vivo models of intestinal and other tumour formation.Deputy Director: Professor Jorge Del-Pozo Management Board MembershipProfessor Bruce WhitelawChair, Director of the Roslin InstituteProfessor Mark ArendsDirector of the Centre for Comparative PathologyProfessor Jorge Del-PozoDeputy Director of the Centre for Comparative PathologyProfessor David ArgyleHead of the College of Medicine and Veterinary MedicineProfessor Margaret FrameDirector of the MRC Institute of Genetics and Cancer Executive Board MembershipProfessor Mark ArendsDirector of the Centre for Comparative PathologyProfessor Jorge Del-PozoDeputy Director of the Centre for Comparative PathologyProfessor C Simon Herrington Professor of Molecular Cancer PathologyDr Fiona HoustonGroup Leader in the Neurobiology DivisionProfessor John MullinsPersonal Chair of Molecular PhysiologyProfessor Gerlinde Van Der WalleVet School Pathology DeptProfessor Tanja OpriessnigGroup LeaderJennifer LawrieAdministrator for the Centre for Comparative Pathology This article was published on 2024-08-27