
Unrivalled opportunities exist to undertake detailed investigations into the pathogenesis of a wide variety of neurological conditions.

Metastatic haemangiosarcoma
Metastatic haemangiosarcoma

We develop and study both large and small animal models of neurological disease, including stroke, storage diseases, neuromuscular, psychiatric diseases and neurodegenerative conditions including Prion, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

We have biobanks of animal postmortem and biopsy material providing a powerful platform for the study of conditions of the central and peripheral nervous system.

The ability to run diagnostic assays in parallel with cellular and molecular analyses from the same tissue allows the generation of systems-wide data concerning the pathogenesis of a wide range of conditions affecting animal populations.

Included within this programme are conditions of developmental neurobiology, neurodegenerative diseases and the studies of the ageing brain. The interface of inflammatory responses and neurodegeneration is also an important area strengthened by the multidisciplinary nature of the Centre.

Through collaborations with the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (CCBS), we can access expertise in human neurological disorders, including clinical neuropathology. The MRC funded Edinburgh Brain Bank is a valuable resource supporting translational studies in normal ageing and defined neurological disorders, the resource having been developed around clinical cohorts. Expert diagnostic neuropathologists have access to a range of biopsy and post mortem material and have experience in comparative neuropathology.

Related Staff

Dr Fiona Houston

Prof Colin Smith


MRC Brain Bank Network

National CJD Surveillance and Research Unit (NCJDSRU)

Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences