14 Mar 2016 The Centre for Comparative Pathology was involved (with Mark Arends & Bruce Whitelaw as Guest Editors) in the publication by the Journal of Pathology of its 2016 annual review issue on "Models of Human Disease". This issue includes - free-to-download - review articles on a range of animal and cellular models of disease covering a wide variety of pathological conditions, including the MINPEPA guidelines on publishing experimental animal model pathology. Recommendations for minimum information for publication of experimental pathology data: MINPEPA guidelines (pages 359–367)Cheryl L Scudamore, Elizabeth J Soilleux, Natasha A Karp, Ken Smith, Richard Poulsom, C Simon Herrington, Michael J Day, Cory F Brayton, Brad Bolon, Bruce Whitelaw, Eric S White, Jeffrey I Everitt and Mark J Arends. Article first published online: 28 NOV 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/path.4642Other review articles are on pancreatic cancer, intestinal cancer, melanoma, HPV-disease, neurodegeneration, cystic fibrosis, genetically engineered large animal models, regeneration & scarring, respiratory lung models, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, atherosclerosis, xenotransplantation, vision loss, and complex epigenetic diseases.LinksModels of Human DiseaseThe Journal of PathologyRecommendations for minimum information for publication of experimental pathology data: MINPEPA guidelines Publication date 04 Jul, 2016