Changes in tissue or cellular structure indicate changes in function and disease states and are often the defining features of disease. Image Histopathology is a standard tool of diagnostic pathology.Digital Pathology and Optical Pathology are rapidly developing modalities that provide new insights. Image analysis provides objective, high throughput quantitation of digital images and QuPath is the leading pathology image analysis system for this.Access to 3D imaging of live animals via MRI and microCT and via OPT of fixed embryo and tissue samples allows us to take imaging further.We have access to super-resolution microscopy to examine cellular pathology in unprecedented detail through the Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Centre.Using 2-photon microscopy we can analyse live animals and embryos to image cellular process in disease.Imaging data is stored and shared across the Centre.Related StaffProf Mark ArendsDr Peter Bankhead (QuPath author)Prof C Simon HerringtonDr Barry McCollLinksEdinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging CentreQuPath This article was published on 2024-08-27