Protocols and standards used for tissue collection, tissue processing, radiological imaging and experimental design. Fresh samples of normal ileum and/or normal ascending colon will be taken from surgical resection specimens removed from patients who have operations for reasons other than ileal / colonic disease, and have normal ileum and/or normal ascending colon (confirmed histopathologically). Fresh samples of Crohn's disease fibrostenosing lesions from either the ileum or the ascending colon will be taken from known and consented Crohn's disease patients undergoing surgery having developed this complication of Crohn's disease, such that operative resection of the lesion is required, usually to relieve intestinal obstruction or other complications caused by this lesion. With ethical approval the resected lengths of ileum and/or ascending colon we will be dissected by a consultant specialist gastrointestinal pathologist and appropriate fresh pieces of tissue removed for these investigations prior to fixation of the intestinal specimen in formalin. This article was published on 2024-08-27