Journal Article Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Pathology Informatics, 4th August 2023

Journal Article Accepted for Publication on 4th August 2023

On 9th August 2023, the Edinburgh Helmsley Gut Cell Atlas Project had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Pathology Informatics.


"The Comparative Pathology Workbench: Interactive Visual Analytics for Biomedical Data"

Wicks MN, Glinka M, Hill B, Houghton D, Sharghi M, Ferreira I, Adams D, Din S, Papatheodorou I, Kirkwood K, Cheeseman M, Burger A, Baldock RA, and Arends MJ, 

Journal of Pathology Informatics, 2023, 100328, ISSN 2153-3539,


In Press in the Journal of Pathology Informatics, on 9th August 2023.