The Gut Cell Atlas Project Goals The goals include: To develop a high-resolution 3-dimensional framework model of the small and large intestines, focussing particularly on the terminal ileum, caecum and ascending colon. To generate a 2D model as a diagrammatic anatomogram. To further refine and integrate a 1D linear model of healthy gut. To collect normal gut samples and Crohn’s disease samples from patients undergoing intestinal resections for complex fibrostenotic Crohn’s disease. To provide an integrated dataset of single-cell gene expression data mapped onto a the gut models. To integrate these data with clinical, pathological and radiological scan data. To further develop and refine the Comparative Pathology Workbench software for visualization, annotation, analysis, archiving and sharing of histopathological scan data and other types of related molecular, gene expression and image data This article was published on 2024-08-27